Who is Smitty?

Local Icon, Jeff Smith, to Receive Trellis Supportive Care’s Living Your Best Life Award
Trellis Supportive Care is pleased to announce Jeff Smith, best known to many as Smitty, as the 2019 Best Life Award recipient for the fourth annual Living Your Best Life Speaker Series. Scheduled for September 25, 2019 in Winston-Salem, this year’s event brings three nationally known political icons and strategists, each with decades of notoriety and recognition as frequent guests on network and cable news shows; Ann Compton, Mary Matalin, and James Carville. (Full Trellis article HERE) Pictures + Here

I had no idea of where this would go when I began Smitty’s Notes for a small circle of friends in 1997. In a relatively few shorts years, reading Smitty’s Notes monthly e-newsletter and going to SmittysNotes.com have become the norm for people looking to find out what’s going on in the Winston-Salem area.
Readers also look to Smitty’s Notes for coverage of breaking news, particularly news associated with major local events, business developments and downtown stories. After publishing Smitty’s Notes for more than a twenty years, I admit that I still like to beat the mainstream media on occasion by breaking the big story in Smitty’s Notes.
People in Winston-Salem are probably the most informed they have ever been about community events. I continue to be amazed by how far we have come in twenty years with Internet technology, a social networking Web site and a community newsletter like Smitty’s Notes.
Who knows what lies ahead?
Smitty 😉
Smitty’s Notes celebrates 20 years – Winston-Salem Chronicle December 2017
Smitty’s Notes celebrates 20 years of sharing Winston-Salem’s happenings – Winston-Salem Journal October 2017
The Smitty Effect – Winston-Salem Monthly July 2017
20 years later: A chat with Winston-Salem’s original social influencer – Triad Business Journal May 2017
Jeff Smith “Local Hero” Smitty’s Notes Celebrates its 15th Year. -Winston-Salem Monthly – July 2012
Jeff Smith receives the “Duke Energy Public Service and Citizenship Award” from the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce – Winston-Salem Journal – 11/30/2011
Quick Six – Smitty busy making connections – Winston-Salem Journal 2/17/2011
Smitty’s Challenge: Man-about-town Jeff Smith rolls with the punches of 2 chronic neurological disorders – Winston-Salem Journal 11/28/2010
Profile on the importance of Social Capital Winston-Salem Foundation 2010 Annual Report. (pp 17-18)
10 Minutes with Jeff “Smitty” Smith Winston-Salem Monthly – August 2010
So You Think you Know… Smitty Forsyth Family Magazine – October 2009
“Smitty’s Notes Keep It Real” Winston-Salem Living Magazine – April 2008
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Adds Five Members to It’s Advisory Panel- 2/27/2008
So what’s new? Ask Smitty – Greensboro News and Record – 7/17/2007
The Importance of Being Smitty – Winston-Salem Monthly Magazine 10/2006
Triad Talk – Following Smitty – 11/5/2004
Group launches Web site for young professionals – 4/28/2003
It’s Good Being Smitty – 7/30/2001
Web site a valuable resource for young professionals – 7/9/1999